WISEe has installed WSS Solar Suitcases in 12 children’s homes, schools and a girls’ rescue centre in Kajiado County. Sites were identified through the government’s Children’s Department. Locations include Kona Baridi, Olooloitikoshi, Inkiito (South Keekonyokie), Kisaju, Kitengela, Kiserian (Pipeline), Kibiku (Ngong) and Oloo-oshoibor. Our installation teams usually work closely with students and as a result, many students have been inspired to pursue STEM careers. Some children have been motivated to become engineers because they saw women handling tools and installing the solar PV systems. Beneficiaries are usually surprised and impressed with the work done by the team of women engineers:

I did not expect women to do such a good quality technical installation. We thought they were sending men after the site assessment but they did all by themselves” commented Benson Nyaga, Administrator from Tania Integrated Rehabilitation Center for disabled children.

Benefits reported by the end-users include:

  • Savings on the costs previously spent on diesel for the generator, and from using candles and the “koroboi” (small, tin kerosene lamps)
  • Cleaner and brighter lighting for children for reading and eating and can now study for longer hours, leading to better performance in school
  • Ease of mobility especially during night time
  • Provision for phone charging